
9 December 2013

I am back: Suuz

Hello ya'll

its been a long time. I have been busy adapting to my new life being a mum. It;s hard, but I love it. My little girl is a hand full, has a temper like her father, no patience and makes me smile and love her more every day. Its a little miracle, hard to believe we made her.

But I have been missing this, so time to pick up where I left off. Tîme to write, to explore the blog world and to be inspired.

I have been busy on Instagram, its become an hobby. I met several beautifull people on IG and in real life (mostly mums) and it has been inspiring.

One mum I follow on IG is Esther from Urban Mums. Via her lovely blog I found this : Suuz: Design your own 3D jewerly. OH my...its definately on my wishlist (like everything else;-)). I especially love the nylon editions. Also available in silver and gold.

Gridlock Ring


6 May 2013


This made me smile, stunning video by Nicolas Devaux. Found it via Bye Bye Charlie

5m80 door lesateliersOrange

Nicolas Devaux 2

Nicolas Devaux 4

Studio Escargot

I keep telling myself, Annemay will like this, it will be her favourite one. I love buying books and toys for her.  I do not have much (yet) as I have my eyes set on specific items. I already got her a blabla kids doll...only took me about a few months to decide which one...and now I have my eyes set on these cuties: Studio Escargot dolls

I wanna have one made with the suit Annemay wore when she was born. She still fits in it, so I have to wait a bit. These cuties are made by Sophia Smeekens and are becoming a real hit. Many mums on instagram have already gotten 1 or more for their baby girls. She is having a give -away, so go have a look here.

Aren't they adorable?

2 May 2013

IG love

Funny how life changes in an instant, one minute you are a couple and the next you are a small family.

My days are filled with feeding, changing nappies, singing and washing (lots of washing:-)). No more extensive cooking & baking. In the future again I hope :-). For now I have an adorable little girl to entertain who is smiling more and more each day and has new noises every single day. I think she has a portuguese temper, she already has mood swings, definately from papa' s side:-)

I have developed a crush on Instagram, you will find me daily inspirational, you find recognition with other mums and I love peeking in other people' s lives. My name there is jbeerepoot, should you wanna look ;-).

Via IG I found Zilverblauws blog (see here) and the great posters she makes and a very yummy egg-advocado salad. She makes beautifull pictures. I bought one poster of her posters: Never Grow Up...:-). Looks great in Annemays room. (For the salad recipe look here.)

Ps. the other lovely poster is from Studio Meez

Picture made by Zilverblauw

22 April 2013

Sun is shining

So happy, finally the sun has decided to come out and bring us warmth, its finally spring.

Last Sunday we went for a bicycle ride and spent some time along the canal enjoying the view and weather. Making plans for maybe going the France to visit some family before I go to work, future bicycle trips and our holidays in Portugal this year. Its a busy and exciting year!

What did you do?



19 April 2013


Hello everyone,

it has been ages since I have been here...sorry for that. The last weeks of pregnancy my mind was elsewhere :-) and these first first weeks were a rollercoaster, a new adventure.

March 1st I became mama to a beautifull babygirl we named Annemay. Today she is 7 weeks and has her own little personality. Starts to smile, new noises, very curious and knows what she wants (even though I am at a total loss as I have no clue what she wants sometimes :-).

I will try to start posting more often again and I have so much catching up to do. Hope all is well with everyone!